Strength vs Cardio Workouts

It really depends on your personal fitness goals. If you are looking for more muscle toning and strength building, a slower pace with higher resistance may be better. However, if you are trying to improve cardiovascular endurance and burn calories, a faster pace with lower resistance may be more beneficial. It is important to listen to your body and adjust the speed and resistance as needed. And don't forget to mix it up and have variety in your workout routine! Overall, the most important thing is to challenge yourself and maintain proper form to prevent injury.

However, here are the benefits to both fitness objectives:

Strength benefits of a Stairmaster:

- Increases lower body muscle strength

- Can help improve balance and stability

- May reduce the risk of injury in daily activities

Cardiovascular benefits of a Stepmill:

- Increases heart and lung endurance

- Burns calories and can aid in weight loss or maintenance

- May reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health conditions

Other benefits of a STEPR:

- Can be low impact on joints

- Convenient and easily adjustable for different fitness levels

- Thousands of on-demand classes and an interactive app

In the end, it is important to listen to your body and adjust accordingly to meet your personal fitness goals. Don't be afraid to mix it up and have variety in your workouts! Overall, the most important thing is to challenge yourself and maintain proper form to prevent injury. Happy stepping!

Step up to a new world of cardio

Are you ready to take the next step in your home cardio training and achieve more results in less time?

Combining the latest in connected fitness with an exhilarating workout experience, the STEPR is your next generation stair climber. 

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