Greetings, fitness enthusiasts! Welcome to an exhilarating a STEPR tutorial guided by Coach Hannah Blair. Prepare to embark on an efficient and high-impact workout that promises maximum results in minimal time.


We will initiate this session with a purposeful warm-up. Over the first 30 seconds, Hannah encourages you to maintain resistance levels between 6 to 10, setting the stage for an intense workout ahead.


Double Step:

The double step is our next challenge. This exercise fosters coordination and precision by involving the deliberate skipping of one step in between. The focus here is on stability and controlled movements.

Main Block: into the core of the workout, comprising the following exercises:


Target your glute muscles with Kickbacks. Coach Hannah underscores the importance of a controlled squeeze and leg extension for maximum impact.

2. Low Squat Steps:

Take it up a notch with low squat steps, demanding halfway-down squats while keeping your steps continuous. Focus on proper form to engage your quads and hamstrings effectively.

3.Side Steps:

Transition to side steps, engaging your leg muscles while maintaining a lower stance. This exercise will provide an excellent leg workout.

Cool Down:

As the high-intensity workout concludes, Coach Hannah advises a gradual cool-down. Lower the resistance by one or two levels to allow your heart rate to return to a resting state.

So, fellow fitness enthusiasts, it's time to unleash your inner strength with Coach Hannah's Advanced STEPR tutorial. Get ready to embrace the challenge, feel the burn, and conquer your fitness goals with determination. Until your next STEPR session, keep pushing your limits!


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