Tiktok Workout

TikTok is a popular app for fitness enthusiasts, and one of the workouts that has been gaining popularity lately is the TikTok Stairmaster workout. This workout involves climbing up a set of STEPR stairs in quick succession to get your heart rate up and burn lots of calories.

To do the TikTok Stairmaster workout, you will need access to a STEPR or a stepmill. Begin by doing some basic stretching and warm-up exercises to prepare your body for the intense workout ahead.

Slow Steps

- Firstly, climb the stairs slowly, for example on level 5 or 7 for 25 seconds.

Medium Steps

- Then, for the next 25 seconds, you will perform medium steps to level 10-12.

Fast Steps

- Last but not least, Fast Steps at 14-15 for the next 10 seconds. Repeat these 3 exercices for the following 10 minutes.


Repeat the following for 10 minutes

  1. Slow Steps - Level 7 (25sec)
  2. Medium Steps - Level 12 (25sec)
  3. Fast Steps - Level 15 (10sec)


If you are looking for an effective and challenging workout that doesn't require  special skills, the TikTok Stairmaster workout is a great option. So why not give it a try today and start seeing results fast!

Step up to a new world of cardio

Are you ready to take the next step in your home cardio training and achieve more results in less time?

Combining the latest in connected fitness with an exhilarating workout experience, the STEPR is your next generation stair climber. 

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